Post about "fitness"

Angiography and Vascular Stenting: Cost, Procedures

What are Angioplasty and Vascular Stenting?
Heart Angioplasty, with or without vascular stenting, may be a minimally invasive procedure. it’s wont to improve blood flow when a vein or artery is just too narrow or blocked. it’s usually wiped out in an interventional radiology suite instead of the OR.

In angioplasty, x-ray fluoroscopy or other imaging is employed to guide a balloon-tipped catheter (a long, thin plastic tube) into an artery or vein to where it’s narrowed or blocked.

A wire mesh tube called a stent could also be permanently placed within the newly opened vessel to assist keep it open. There are different types of stents, including wire mesh.

How is the procedure performed? A Surgeon is specially trained in performing minimally invasive techniques Angioplasty and stenting. You will be positioned on the procedure table.

You may be connected to monitors that track your pulse, vital signs, oxygen level, and pulse.

A nurse or technologist will insert an intravenous line into a vein in your hand or arm to administer a sedative. This procedure may use moderate sedation. It doesn’t require a breathing tube. However, some patients may require general anesthesia.

The area of your body where the catheter is to be inserted is going to be sterilized and covered with a surgical drape.

The area of your body where the catheter is to be inserted is going to be sterilized and covered with a surgical drape.

A very small skin incision is formed at the location.

A sheath is first inserted into the vessel.

Once the catheter is in situ, the contrast medium is going to be injected into the artery to perform an angiogram. An angiogram is a roentgenogram of the within of the blood vessels. this may help identify where the blockage is.

Using x-ray guidance, the doctor crosses the narrowing or blockage with a guidewire. this enables the balloon-tipped catheter to skip the wire. Once across the blockage, the balloon is going to be inflated for a brief time. Sometimes the balloon must be inflated quite once. Or, other blood vessels got to be treated during an equivalent procedure.

More X-rays are taken to ascertain what proportion of blood flow has improved. The balloon catheter, wire, and sheath are going to be removed.

Many times, stents got to be permanently placed inside the vessel to assist keep it open. Some stents can open on their own. Others need a balloon to open. Balloon stents are typically expanded against the vessel wall. The permanent stent acts as a sort of scaffold for the artery. Drug-coated stents are approved to be used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug is slowly released to assist keep the vessel from narrowing again. this is often a condition called restenosis.

Drug-coated balloons can also be used for patients with PAD or dialysis fistulas. It stays there a few times even after the balloon has been removed.

When the procedure is complete, the catheter is removed and pressure is applied to prevent any bleeding. Sometimes, your doctor may use a closure device to seal the tiny hole within the artery. this may allow you to maneuver around more quickly. No stitches are visible on the skin. the small opening within the skin is roofed with a dressing.

You may get to dwell in bed together with your legs straight for several hours. When an arm or wrist was used for access, you’ll have activity restrictions to follow.

When the procedure is completed, you’ll be transferred to a room or a hospital room.

Your IV line is removed before you head home.

Talk to your doctor about how long the procedure will take. Ask your doctor if you’ll get to be admitted.

What are the advantages vs. risks? Benefits Compared to bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty and stent placement are much less invasive and comparatively low-risk, low-cost procedures. These procedures are performed using local anesthesia. Because general anesthetic isn’t required in most patients, there’s no extended stay within the hospital. No incision is necessary—only a little nick within the skin that doesn’t need stitches. You will be ready to return to your normal activities shortly afterward. Risks Major complications after angioplasty are rare. However, inserting the catheter may injure the artery. there’s also a really small risk of blood clots or tearing the artery. When angioplasty is completed alone, blockages can recur. Most of those arteries are often opened again successfully. this will also occur when a stent is placed within the artery at the time of the angioplasty. Heavy bleeding from the catheter insertion site may require special medication or a transfusion. There is a risk of stroke when angioplasty and/or stenting are performed on the arteria carotis. A rare complication related to angioplasty is abrupt vessel closure. This blockage within the treated area typically occurs within 24 hours of the procedure. If it happens, medication to dissolve clots followed by angioplasty or stenting could also be used. In some cases, emergency bypass surgery could also be needed. Other rare complications include attacks and sudden cardiac death. There is a slight risk of an allergy if a contrast medium is injected. Any procedure that places a catheter inside a vessel carries certain risks. These risks include damage to the vessel, bruising or bleeding at the puncture site and infection. The doctor will take precautions to mitigate these risks. Your doctor will check your kidney function before the procedure to lower this risk. See the Contrast Materials page for more information.

What sorts of Procedures are utilized in Angioplasty? There are several your doctor will choose between. They include

Balloon: A catheter with a little balloon tip is guided to the narrowing in your artery. Once in place, the balloon is inflated to push the plaque and stretch the artery hospitable boosting blood flow to the guts.

What Happens During Angioplasty? First, you’ll have what’s called cardiac catheterization. Medication is going to be given to relax you, then the doctor will numb where the catheter will accompany the anesthesia.

Next, a skinny plastic tube called a sheath is inserted into an artery — sometimes in your groin, sometimes in your arm. A long, narrow, hollow tube called a catheter is skilled in the sheath and guided up a vessel to the arteries surrounding the guts.

A small amount of contrast liquid is put into your vessel through the catheter. It’s photographed with an X-ray because it moves through your heart’s chambers, valves, and major vessels. From those pictures, doctors can tell if your coronary arteries are narrowed and, in some cases, whether the gut valves are working correctly.

If the doctor decides to perform angioplasty, they’re going to move the catheter into the artery that’s blocked. They’ll then do one of the procedures described below.

The whole thing lasts from 1 to three hours, but the preparation and recovery can add length. you’ll stay in the hospital overnight for observation.

What Happens After an Angioplasty? If the catheter was put into the artery at your groin, you’ll need to lie flat (without bending your legs) while the groin sheath is in situ. A sheet could also be placed across your leg with the sheath to remind you to stay straight.

After the sheath is removed, you’ll need to lie flat for about 6 hours to stop bleeding, but your nurse can raise your head about two pillows high after 2 hours. Your nurse will tell you once you can get out of bed. it’s going to be before 6 hours if a collagen “plug” was put into your artery. Your team will allow you to know.

Whenever the groin sheath will not be removed then only you can eat or drink anything except clear liquids. That’s because you’ll get nauseated while it’s on. Once you’ll eat, you’ll be urged to follow a heart-healthy diet.

If your catheter was put into the artery at your wrist or arm, your doctor will put a special bandage on to form sure it heals properly. You’ll wear this for a few hours. The doctor or a nurse will remove it and check to ascertain if your artery has healed enough.

Fitness Tip – Is Walking Really Exercise?

I recently read a post by my friend Karen McCoy (who is also a past interview) and she was talking about walking and how it is/is not exercise. She says walking is not an exercise. Walking is an activity.

This triggered something in me as I’ve been thinking about writing about this very subject as well, I just wasn’t sure on which direction to take it in. Well, thanks to Karen, now I do!

First of all, I want to say I agree with Karen. Plain and simple, walking is NOT an exercise, it is an activity. Let me give you an example: We walk to and from the TV to the refrigerator, some people have to walk to take the garbage out. Even though this is walking, this is NOT and exercise.

I can hear it now, “Andrew, that’s not the kind of walking I’m talking about. The walking I do is around the block, that’s exercise, right?” Well, now it goes to the idea as to what you consider to be exercise. The best definition of exercise I found was, again, from Karen.

“Exercise is when we train our bodies in a structured environment to attain a higher level of fitness and health.”

Using this definition, which is spot on in my book, walking around the block is NOT exercise. Now, just to add a bit of “Andrew Philosophy” to this, if you walk around the block with the intention of raising your heart rate and sweating, then maybe I can lean towards your way of thinking. But you’ll still have to convince me because a block isn’t that long of a walk (unless you live out in the country where a block could be a couple of MILES long!)

Saying all this, I will tell you I like to walk. I put on my headphones and listen to motivational stuff and different radio programs (I’m a Lex and Terry junkie!). But when I walk, I concentrate on upping my walking pace. So much so that when I’m done, I’m almost out of breath and yes, I’m sweating. So, I call this a form of power walking. I going out with the intention of attaining a higher level of fitness and health. I also do a push up and sit up routine before/after my “walk”, but that’s a whole different story.

My parents both walk everyday, but I defy ANYONE to keep up with them! Even those Dad is 73 years old and Mom is a tad over 29 years old (*grin*), they are in great shape. Why? Because their “walk” is done with the intention “to attain a higher level of fitness and health”. So, in saying that, Yes their walk is exercise.

Saying that, going out for an evening stroll with your sweetie is a nice thing to do (and it’s better than sitting down watching TV), but it is NOT exercise.

Do you get the difference?

Now, I also will say that if you are currently doing NOTHING in terms of exercising, then yes walking is a great start BUT makes sure you progress from a walk around the block to something more physical to attain a higher degree of fitness, ok?

Coach Red, The Interview Series’ VPT, says “if you have a fat dog, you’re not getting enough exercise“. In terms of going out and doing something for yourself, she’s right. Walking your dog is NOT considered exercise, but it IS better than sitting in the house doing nothing, and it’s great for your dog as well!