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Network Marketing Tips and Training: The Importance of Having a Mentor

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran at network marketing or just beginning you will run into roadblocks or will need to make decisions where you will need guidance from someone with experience in the MLM business. In this network marketing tips and training we’ll discuss why having a mentor will help you to begin earning that 6 figure MLM paycheck you’ve been wanting.


An important thing about mentors, in this network marketing tips and training article, is that they can help you to develop a strategy. You not only have to think of the short-term aspects of your network marketing business but also the long-term aspects. Trends change constantly on the internet, for example. Just look how fast social media moves. Think of how Google changes their requirements for pay-per-click. Think of how email marketing is still relevant but not as much as it once was. Marketing is fluid so in turn your network marketing business needs to be fluid. Anticipating and changing as technology changes the way people receive messages and build relationships is what will give you long-term success. Mentors can help you to plan and implement a strategy for change.


Another important thing about mentors, in this network marketing tips and training article, is that you can share ideas. There are times when you come to a place where you can’t figure out how to take your MLM business in a new direction or you need help with a new marketing channel to better connect with prospects. Mentors will help teach you what systems to put in place to market effectively so that you don’t have to stumble around. Mentors are helpful to discuss aspects of your business that will help you grow.

Role Playing

Mentors, in this network marketing tips and training article, are also good to help you practice your scripts with role-playing. They’ll tell you exactly what you should be doing, saying and will even how you should be saying it so that you can fine tune your approach. When prospects are asking you questions that you weren’t prepared to answer in your script you can go over those with your mentor and find out what you can say.

Mentors can be overlooked when researching network marketing tips and training, but are very important to keep you motivated and on the right track. Having the right mentor to guide you through how to market, how to put systems in place, how to automate and how to strategize will take you to your financial goals faster than you could do it yourself. It doesn’t mean there won’t be work, but at least you can hit the ground running and avoid some mistakes that can cripple your network marketing business.